Mobile Marketing Masterclass


App Store Feature

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What is an App Store Feature?

A feature is a very prominent placement on the home pages or on the category pages of the app stores. As it is visible to many users who browse the store, a feature has the potential to generate vast amounts of impressions. Typically, features result in big temporary spikes of additional organic installs.

The Story

The Story is the most prominent feature on iOS. Every user who opens the app store will see it. Apple’s editorial team creates two stories per day: one for a game and one for a non-gaming app.

How to get an App Store Feature

The decision about the apps who get a feature is up to the editorial teams of Apple and Google. To increase the chance of being selected, app owners must

  • create an app that uses Apple’s / Google’s latest technologies
  • make sure the app is stable and free of bugs,
  • design a great product page with engaging texts and stunning visual creatives,
  • have a history of strong KPIs regarding download volumes, user retention, ARPU, and average ratings,
  • ideally, build a connection to the responsible app store manager.
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